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Copyright © MoWeed tm. All rights reserved.


MoWeed is a network of like minded marijuana users. MoWeed supporters wear our apparel proudly and connect with other supporters globally.  Built by artists, smokers, growers, caregivers and patients nationwide believing that you should be allowed to grow and harvest marijuana freely and openly without the fear of incarceration or prosecution. We believe it should be used medicinally as well as for recreation and taxed at the appropriate rate that will do the most positive for the environment it is applied to.  Business growth should be exponential and supported nationwide.

The United States should be the world leader in marijuana production exports and new product creation. It should be supported wholly and funded appropriately. It is our cash crop and our civilization should reap the rewards of this gift from the gods. There is no distilling process , no refining  and if grown correctly no additives or pesticides. It is a 100% pure flower with very strong medicinal and healing qualities. As a textile and cloth it is about 10x stronger than cotton consuming 1/100th of the water to support its growth. It is the future fabric of our society. 

We embrace all of the qualities associated with this wonderful plant and truly enjoy using it in all forms. 


MoWeed contributors and activists support all local business and farmers. We promote the finest nutrients and grow supplies.